Friday, May 14, 2010


For four hours, I roam an airport in Tokyo looking for robots. Surrounded by strings of seamless noises and foreign scratches meaningless to me. I communicate with nods. I say Beijing on loop. I tell ten different faces "Beijing" twenty different ways.

I board a two story aircraft. First class is escorted upstairs. Separated from the lesser beings. I'm encased in a middle aisle. Again. I'm squeezed inside multiple strings of more seamless noise creating meaning I can't begin to grasp.

If you were worried about me, I don't know how I got here, but here I am ... and I'm scared. And I've tasted Chinese liquor. It burns like fire.

NOTE: These posts are being uploaded by a trusted entity in the States. Access to BLOGSPOT is blocked in Beijing.


  1. Success birthday boy - you survived three flights, including the plane change in Narita. You started your first international experience with a trial by fire. Congratulations on persevering.
    I recognize that roof top and the extended scenery across the hutong to the larger buildings of Beijing.
    Imagine your brother has you on the town this evening to ring in your new year.
    Look forward to your further thoughts on the culture, history, people, food, drink et cetera of China.

  2. B too me on a walk of D this AM. Can you do better than that in Beijing? Need to squeeze a post or two into your busy schedule, even on weekends.
